The Romance Vault is owned and maintained by me - Michelle and I've been operating my reviews and promotional tours singularly since I started. But I have some great news as I have a wonderful overseas friend who will be starting to review with me from Feburary 2014. I am so happy to have Sandy join me on my site. We have extremely similar taste in what we read, sometimes though we don't fully love a book like the other and that's where I think our reviews will be fab together. It will be great bouncing our thoughts of each other. Although that may not happen a lot (the disagreeing part) as like I said we have very similar taste. Another angle on our reviews is I am British and live in the UK, so I am a UK reviewer who reads a lot of American authors, (as well as Australian, British, Canadian etc) so I see things in a different light to Sandy who is American. So that will be interesting to have two reviewers on different continents and seeing their spin on a book and the cultural differences and indeed lingo!
So let me introduce myself.
I read predominately romance novels which is why I picked the title and the slogan for my website etc. I publish my reviews all over the net; Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and here. I also tweet and post to Facebook so feel free to follow on both those platforms the more the merrier! You'll notice I do a fair amount of ARC reviewing and Promotional posts for authors and join a whole heap of blog tours and participate in Cover Reveals. Books are my happiness, reading is my passion. I read 95% of the time, where I can, when I can. I have my trusted kindle on me at all times, I am lost without it otherwise. I have a back up kindle as last year I dropped my only kindle and smashed the screen, I was lost overnight and having to read on my husbands ipad until my new kindle arrived. I had the screen repaired on my old one and voila I now have two! I have a kindle keyboard, for some reason I have not ever been enticed to 'upgrade' to the new touchscreen paperwhites. I do like the idea of the lighted paperwhite but I don't like the feel of the kindle in my had or the way to turn the pages on the paperwhites so I am sticking with my trusted keyboard kindles.
I don't know how many other fanatical readers do this but when I read a book and totally and utterly fall in love with it I have to buy a paperback or hardback copy of it as well. Call me weird I know, it's so silly to do that as I'll always have my ebook file but I have to see a 'proper' book of those books I can't live without. Is that strange? One day if you look on here I may have shared some pictures of our library, yes I am lucky enough to live in a house that we have a room dedicated to books. Not that we are posh we are just lucky to have extended enough to have a room that all the family enjoy. One day I might also share a picture of me, but I'm shy so you may have to wait awhile for that ;)
Now enough about me, the following space will be filled by Sandy who needs to introduce herself as well!
My name is Sandy Sciacca, I'm a wife a mother even a grandmother (I started early:), my husband is retired from the U.S. Navy, and I currently live in the sunny state of Florida, but I have lived all over including spending 3 years in the south of Spain. My main hobby besides watching my grandson surf is reading. A few years ago I got my first kindle, my daughter told me there were these books about a vampire I just needed to read. I was hooked, my husband says he has not seen me since, lol. I enjoy reading anything that involves romance and a happy ever after, but I have read a few good books that didn't have either. I have attended several author signings and really enjoying meeting and talking with the authors of my favorite books.
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